Frequently Asked Questions

How does this type of healing work?

When I first meet you I receive a download of what your life has energetically encompassed. However, what’s really exciting is that there’s science to explain the changes that are created at a cellular level within your energetic system.

There are approximately 40,000 specialized cells that create neural networks in the heart that are similar to cells in the brain. In other words, at a cellular level your heart and brain pathways act in a similar way. These cells are called sensory neurons. The brain-like cells residing in the heart ‘think’ and ‘feel’ as though they are in the brain. Therefore, when we experience trauma, it is being registered in the heart and not just in the brain.

This is why  ‘talk therapy’ is only partially helpful. The cells that are in  your heart are also part of your nervous system and energetic system, and they are still holding the trauma that you have experienced. In actuality, trauma is stored in your body in a very physical sense.

Sustained healing that continues to evolve comes from releasing old neural pathways and creating new neural pathways within your energetic system. You don’t have to remember or discuss every detail of your past traumas, heartaches, and grief in order to heal from it and create the life you want.

Once you become aware of how you hold trauma and energy within your body, you will naturally be able to release it. Your body and energetic systems know what to do.

Healing is simply your Truth no longer veiled by subconscious patterns.