Embodied Transformation.

Mentorship Program.

The EMBODIED TRANSFORMATION MENTORSHIP 6-month program is for those desiring radical transformation in all areas of life. It requires deep commitment & dedication.

This is your invitation to come to know your TRUTH in an intimate & infinite way.

In this space you’ll come to know and understand your own energetic system and how it impacts physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual states.

The container is created specifically for you to bring your unique authentic self into an abundant reality.


  • Overview.

    The Embodied Transformation Mentorship Program is designed for you to release & transform held patterns, supporting you to step into the Truth of who YOU are.

    By embodying full alignment into your very being, you will become a renewed person who lives with ease in one’s own body and in relationship to others.

    Coming to know your Truth isn’t something that has words attached to it. Truth is your unique spark waiting to be uncovered. It is the essence of who you are. It is perfection. Within your Truth lies infinite potential, awareness, and creativity that has no boundaries. This is freedom.

    This work requires commitment and continuous dedication in order to shed old layers and to step fully into your power. From this place of authentic alignment, you are supported to uncover and bring your own unique medicine to the world.

    This is the journey.

  • The Work.

    THE UNKNOWN DEPTH. In this space we quickly address the core systems running on repeat subconsciously within your body.

    ENERGY TRANSFORMATION. Brea understands energetics and the human experience in a very unique and powerful way. A transformative container is created in tandem with you (operating even between meetings).

    ALCHEMY. This allows for you to be held in a field where you can release conditioned patterns that are no longer serving your growth, life, or dreams. From here alchemy occurs as you generate new patterns reflective of your divinity.

    EMPOWERMENT. In this space you will come to know your own path forward. This is the place of creation and new opportunities that come from living from the heart rather than from repetitive patterns held in your nervous system. This isn’t about rehashing old traumas over and over. This is about metamorphosis.

    This is you stepping into your own power.

  • Healing.

    When people are out of alignment, the resulting energetic compaction leads to chronic stress, disease, and emotional and spiritual distress. You have chosen to be here now to heal yourself, which in turn heals your ancestors and future generations.

    When our nervous system is at capacity, we end up running on auto-pilot to get through our days.

    Alignment is the ability to live each day from your own Truth. Energetic alignment is HEALTH that includes your emotional, physical, and multi-dimensional self.

    Your Truth is your key. Nobody else has the same Truth as you or the same energetic blueprint. This is your unique magic. Force is no longer needed.

    This is healthy alignment.

  • Creation.

    Creation comes when we harness moments of spontaneity.

    Bringing your aspirations and unique gifts into the physical world is a large part of why you chose to be here on earth now. Creating from your Truth is much different than ‘manifesting’ based on societal ideals. In this space you come to know the simplicity of creating from a place of energetic alignment rather that from force.

    What gets us stuck and puts our brain into overdrive? Being in states of overwhelm, overload, stress, anxiety, or fear. Experiencing trauma, loss, grief, or pain. Living for other people or living too much in the past or future. Becoming frozen thinking about what the future will look like.

    You will be held to release & alchemize old states of being to generate the capacity to create the life your heart is longing to live.

    This is freedom.

  • Included.

    You will have 12 private sessions with Brea over the 6 month period.

    A personalized private chat group is formed between yourself and Brea. In this container you are continuously supported between each session. I am dedicated to your path and available as needed (within the context of personal limits).

    You are required to be as dedicated to yourself and to this journey as I am to you. I provide mentorship so you can deeply understand how your physical, emotional, spiritual & mental systems work together. From new awareness and knowing, you can transform your life and live from a place of calm spaciousness & infinite potentiality. I will guide you along the way through challenges you face in relationships, parenting, career, dreams & desires. However, you will at all times be required to take complete accountability and responsibility for yourself.

  • Commitment.

    A meeting is required prior to starting the Embodied Transformation Mentorship Program to ensure both parties are aligned.

    You must be ready for transformation in a way that will disrupt the life and path that you have been walking up until now.

    Program Cost - $6000/USD

    Payment Option One:
    Pay in full at program start $5400/USD ($600 discount).

    Payment Option Two:
    $2500/USD at program start and 5 monthly payments of $700 thereafter.

    For financial assistance, please inquire.


  • Yes. It is common for Brea to work with business leaders and creatives in combining her entrepreneurial & business development past with her intuition and energetic understanding to support business endeavours, and honing ones crafts and creations.

  • Please contact Brea directly. You will be provided with a questionnaire to complete.

  • Yes. You are required to provide 2 months notice.

What people are saying about the Mentorship Program…

  • The journey I've been on with Brea has completely changed every aspect of my life. I no longer look for someone or something else to save me. I've found my own power and I know how to share it with the world as I choose. Everything I needed was inside me... I just needed someone else who could see it and teach me. Thank you Brea!

    Lara M, Colorado

  • I’ve learned how to show up in my masculine energy for my partner in ways I never imagined. I thought this work was just for me, but it has completely changed every single one of my relationships. I've let go of anger and resentment. I found peace and strength inside that didn't know was there. Brea has been there to hold me no matter what I've been going through.

    Christian H, British Columbia

  • With grace, humour and ease, Brea has guided me to transform my life and create a new career path for myself. I'm now my own successful boss. I've become a leader not just for others, but also by finding trust within myself and for the decisions I make. Working within Brea's energetic field is an incredible gift. She's always available and I can feel her presence even when we aren't actually meeting. Brea - thank you for guiding me to stop hiding and allowing the world to see me!

    Micka R, Ontario